Photobiomodulation in North Scottsdale, AZ  

Photobiomodulation is used to reduce pain and speed healing. Also referred to as biostimulation and Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT). The laser is used postoperatively to increase patient comfort and promote the healing response. Photobiomodulation can be used to treat oral ulcers and inflammatory conditions, TMJ pain and parasthesia. The light works at the cellular level by stimulating the mitochondria to produce ATP and nitric oxide reducing oxidative stress in the cell. Metabolism and gene transcription increase resulting in cell growth, increased motility, growth factor stimulation and many other beneficial intra and extra cellular events. In short the laser is used to reduce pain and promote healing. The light energy stimulates cells to heal naturally, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Blood flow is increased to the area promoting healing.

Photobiomodulation is used for the following conditions:

• TMJ Pain and Muscle spasms

• Oral Ulcers

• Herpes Stomatitis

• Burning Mouth Syndrome

• Oral Ulcers

• Dental Pain

• Oral Mucositis

• Wound Healing

• Soft Tissue Trauma (biting the tongue, lips, cheeks and gums)

• Implant placement and treatment


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